The Uninspired Manifesto

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Michael Vick Indicted

I'm fairly sure you've already heard this story, be it from your local news, CNN, or SportsCenter, but I reaally feel the need to put in my thoughts on the subject. First, the press' view.

Vick and three others were charged with violating federal laws against competitive dogfighting, procuring and training pit bulls for fighting, and conducting the enterprise across state lines.

The indictment alleges that Vick and his co-defendants began sponsoring dogfighting in 2001, the former Virginia Tech star’s rookie year with the Falcons.

It accuses Vick, Purnell A. Peace, Quanis L. Phillips and Tony Taylor of “knowingly sponsoring and exhibiting an animal fighting venture,” of conducting a business enterprise involving gambling, as well as buying, transporting and receiving dogs for the purposes of an animal fighting venture.

Boston Herald

Let me start off by saying that yes, this is a very dispicable act, and I in no way agree with the mis-treatment of animals. That being said, this is not exactly a rare occurance. At least one in three people I know have either been to a dogfight, or participated in one. I myself have attended a few. Fuck, I mean, I'm relatively sure the shit is still legal in Louisiana. (One more reason I hate that fucking state) Trying to make an example out of Michael Vick just because he's in the public spotlight will not deter dogfighting in any way. It's like arresting Tommy Chong for possession; its only going to encourage more pot smoking. Yes, it's cruel... yes, it's terrible, but this is America. If there's money in it, people are going to find a way to do it.
posted by Nick at 2:09 AM


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