The Uninspired Manifesto
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Dumbledore Is Gay!
That's right, Harry's mentor and father-figure would prefer a nice wizard to a hot witch any day.
In a surprising new Potter twist, author J.K. Rowling outed Dumbledore at New York's Carnegie Hall in front of 2,000 Potter fans during a question and answer session Friday night.
One major anti-Potter crusader is Laura Mallory, a mother of four from Georgia, who made headlines earlier this month when she told the Gwinnett County Board of Education that the series was trying to indoctrinate children into the Wicca religion. In response to Dumbledore's outing, Mallory told ABC News that the Potter series has "an anti-Christian agenda," and, "this only further supports that."
"My prayer is that parents would wake up, that the subtle way this is presented as harmless fantasy would be exposed for what it really is -- a subtle indoctrination into anti-Christian values," said Mallory. "The kids are being introduced to a cult and witchcraft practices.
"A homosexual lifestyle is a harmful one," she added. "That's proven, medically."
Not surprisingly, conservatives at Saturday's Values Voters' summit in Washington also had some thoughts on the now controversial wizard.
"I feel like children's books shouldn't be political -- they shouldn't have political ties, they're entertainment," attendee Katie Beach said. "I think it's pretty ridiculous for her to say that or to do that."
I've talked a few times on this blog before about the assholes that try to ban the Harry Potter series for whatever stupid reason they can think of, and for some reason the press has to look to them for comments whenever a new book or movie is released. It's not even like they have constructive criticism; they just spout the same hate filled bullshit over and over.
It's an incredibly simple concept that for some reason needs to be reiterated time and time again: If you don't agree with the book, don't read it. If you don't like the movie, don't fucking watch it. I never really enjoyed either, so I stay away from it. It's not that fucking hard.
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