The Uninspired Manifesto
Saturday, July 21, 2007
God Damn You, Texas!
Thanks to Dogma Free America for the news article.
... Let me get this out of the way first... Our founding fathers did not add 'One Nation Under God' to the pledge. Eisenhower added it in the fucking 1950's.
This is by far one of the worst bills Texas state legislature has passed in recent memory. What's worse is that the representative for the area of Houston that I live in fucking authored the bill. Besides being an obvious violation of religous freedom, and state sanction promotion of a single religion, students can only be excused from the pledge if they bring a fucking note from their parents. This is the kind of shit you wish you could fight against, but it has such an overwhelming bid of approval in both the Texas House and Senate.
Understandably, it had me in pretty bad mood, until I found this story...
... Its stories like these that at least restore some of my faith in humanity. That is of course, until the president of the student group goes on Tucker Carlson's show to listen to him spout his bullshit rhetoric... fuck, my head hurts.
House Bill 1034 was first filed in the House of Representatives on Feb. 1 with the intention of amending the state pledge of allegiance to add the words, "one state under God," reflecting the United States pledge of allegiance.
"The purpose of this bill is very simple. It is to simply have our state pledge mirror, if you will, reflect our national pledge. Our national pledge says, 'one nation under God.' I think it is altogether right and appropriate for our state pledge to say 'one state under God,'" Rep. Debbie Riddle stated.
The new pledge of allegiance to the state flag is "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God and indivisible." This act did not receive a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house for it to take immediate effect. It is currently waiting on Gov. Rick Perry's desk along with many other bills for him to sign. It will take effect starting Sept. 1.
"I was one of the co-authors of HB 1034 and one of the ideas to amend the pledge was to mirror the pledge of allegiance to the United States flag. This shows intent just like our founding fathers to reflect upon our Judeo-Christian values and heritage in paying tribute to the state and country. Now both pledges of allegiance reference the same language," said Rep. Brandon Creighton.
Houston Community Newspaper
... Let me get this out of the way first... Our founding fathers did not add 'One Nation Under God' to the pledge. Eisenhower added it in the fucking 1950's.
This is by far one of the worst bills Texas state legislature has passed in recent memory. What's worse is that the representative for the area of Houston that I live in fucking authored the bill. Besides being an obvious violation of religous freedom, and state sanction promotion of a single religion, students can only be excused from the pledge if they bring a fucking note from their parents. This is the kind of shit you wish you could fight against, but it has such an overwhelming bid of approval in both the Texas House and Senate.
Understandably, it had me in pretty bad mood, until I found this story...
Trading bibles for porn in San Antonio
A group of atheists at the University of Texas in San Antonio is trying to tempt college kids into trading their Bibles for pornography.
It's part of a program called Smut for Smut sponsored by the student organization called Atheist Agenda.
... Its stories like these that at least restore some of my faith in humanity. That is of course, until the president of the student group goes on Tucker Carlson's show to listen to him spout his bullshit rhetoric... fuck, my head hurts.
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